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junge Frau


THE method against age spots
The cosmetic removal of skin lesions is becoming more and more commonplace. Everyone strives to remain attractive and youthful as they age.

Various studies have found that it's not just wrinkles that make us look older. Pigment spots, age spots, shadows, growths, warts or bumps give an "old impression".

What can be treated with cryo application?

  • Warts
  • Pigment spots
  • Bacteria in acne pustules
  • Keloid tissue
  • Fibroids
  • Scars
  • Wrinkles

This is how cryotechnology works

Example of a pigment spot: Nitrogen is sprayed onto the area to be treated with a tiny glass tip. The surface of the treated area is frozen, causing the top cells to die. After about 2 weeks, the stain has faded or disappeared completely. A follow-up treatment improves the result if it is not optimal after the first time. To avoid scarring, less is more. Sometimes the pigment spot appears darker after the first treatment, this is because it was darker in the deeper layers of the skin. This is now pushed upwards, so to speak, and disappears completely after a maximum of two follow-up treatments. As a local procedure, also known as cryosurgery, freezing techniques are used in medicine to destroy altered tissue. In medicine, the working range is -70°C to -200°C. We work in the cosmetic field at a temperature of -89°C. In the case of a finer scar, a line is drawn over the scar like a pen. The process is repeated every 14 days until the scar tissue has disappeared. Age spots usually disappear after the first application.

What happens after the treatment?

After application, slight reddening or swelling may occur, combined with a harmless tingling sensation in the treated areas. However, these phenomena quickly disappear. After 2 to 3 days, the treated areas may darken and a thin scab may form.
Scratching or rubbing these skin areas should be avoided so that the skin can regenerate undisturbed. After about 10 to 14 days, the dried flakes of skin dissolve and a spotless, new skin area appears underneath.
Avoid sun exposure until the new skin has re-pigmented.
The corresponding treatment procedure and recommendations also apply to use on warts, keloids, hemangiomas and other benign skin irritations.
Before treatment with cryotherapy
After treatment with cryotherapy

Our prices for cryotherapie

Removal of:

Age Spots                    €12

Scars from            


Warts from


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