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We work exclusively with the German company Belico, a medical BioTech Cosmetics°.

What does medical BioTech cosmetics mean?

‘BioTech cosmetics’ - a new term is becoming increasingly popular on the cosmetics market and is inspiring numerous cosmetics consumers. But what exactly does the term medical BioTech cosmetics mean at Belico® and why is it only available in authorised cosmetics institutes with dermatological/medical expertise? On the one hand, natural vegan raw materials are processed with new technologies according to biological principles - without genetic intervention on the source raw materials - in such a way that they are more effective on the skin structure and more sustainable for environmental and animal protection. This deep effect on the skin makes it so important to use exactly the active ingredients that correspond to the respective ACTUAL condition of the skin and the harmonised TARGET condition of the skin. This is why an expert skin analysis and adjustment of the care plan is so important. On the other hand, in contrast to purely natural cosmetics, BioTech cosmetics also use synthetically produced active ingredients. This has two main advantages: conservation of resources and expansion of the spectrum of usable, particularly effective and compatible raw materials on the borderline to medicine. Adapted cultivation or synthesis processes require significantly fewer valuable resources such as arable land, water and fertilisers. The ecological footprint can thus be reduced compared to conventional processes. One important example of this is the cultivation of algae. Instead of questionable algae cultivation farms in the sea, BioTech cosmetics rely on closed algae bioreactors. In addition to the pure saving of water and fertiliser, the waste water can also be processed and reused. BioTech cosmetics also has a lot to offer in the area of plant-based active ingredients. Through the targeted propagation of plant stem cells in the laboratory, rare and even protected species can be used to produce new active ingredients. As the plants are grown exclusively in the laboratory, the environment and the natural plant population are protected. BioTech cosmetics pay particular attention to the utilisation of the body's own substances. The body's own peptides have proven to be particularly effective in the field of anti-ageing. These peptides cannot be obtained from plant sources or natural cosmetics-compliant manufacturing processes. Only specialised manufacturing processes enable the synthesis of these highly pure peptides. Microorganisms also have their place in the production of BioTech active ingredients. It is no longer a secret that hyaluronic acid is no longer produced from cockscombs but by means of special microorganisms in the laboratory, just like the raw material squalane, which used to be obtained from shark liver or olives. The discovery of new microorganisms, especially in remote or hostile areas, means that the possibilities for new active ingredients are constantly expanding. One of the best-known discoveries here is certainly the substance ectoine, which has already been widely reported on. However, the range of active ingredients is much wider and extends from simple moisturisers to UV-protective active ingredients. The possibility of using new active ingredients in a more targeted way means that BioTech cosmetics greatly improve the positive effects on the skin. But the concept of BioTech cosmetics goes even further. Not only active ingredients, but also basic substances such as emulsifiers are obtained from natural raw materials using sophisticated technical processes. For example, lecithin from soya is processed into liposomes or lamellar creams


Expert Line


Effect Line


Zero Line

Our active ingredient ampoules
Our ampoules give the skin an extra kick. The highly concentrated active ingredients nourish the skin deep down. Can also be used at home as a cure.

Bookable with almost all treatments, I will be happy to advise you.
Pilates Skin
Skin-refining vitamin A ampoule

suitable for all skin types. Especially for mature skin or acne of all ages. 
Revitalising vitamin B ampoule

suitable for all skin types. Especially for tired and dull skin
Skin-brightening vitamin C ampoule

suitable for all skin types. Especially for the treatment of pigmentation spots and superficial, ‘fresh’ or still reddened acne lesions. Also suitable for skin that is exposed to increased oxidative stress
Hydrating ampoule with anti-stress factor, vitamin D

Suitable for all skin types, especially for dehydrated skin and skin that suffers from environmental stress. Especially in spring, when the sun's rays can already 
can already cause damage to the skin, but an adequate supply of vitamin D is not yet guaranteed
COOL DOWN Vitamin 
Soothing vitamin F ampoule

suitable for all skin types. Especially for sensitive skin and skin prone to neurodermatitis or couperose
9,-€ per ampoule, different ampoules can also be combined.
Our active ingredient ampoules
Special treatments from the Belico specialist beautician push the skin to a higher level and really make the skin glow.
MESO SHOTs stand for targeted delivery of active ingredients (= shots) directly to the centre (= meso) of the skin problem. ‘Botox Like’, “Hydra Boost”, “Acne Scar”, “Anti Redness”, “Fibro Active” and “Skin Corrector” are our helpers when it comes to targeted and rapid treatment success. 
treatment successes. 
for soothing and strengthening the skin

Every skin type, especially for sensitive skin that reacts with redness, couperose skin and/or customers who move a lot outdoors
for skin clarification and build-up

suitable for all skin types, especially for impure, acne-prone skin, also for acne tarda.
for moisture and energy

Suitable for all skin types, especially for dry and tired, dull skin. For skin that needs an skin that needs an energy boost.
for smoothing and protection

suitable for all skin types, especially for skin with pronounced expression lines
for an even skin texture and repair  

suitable for all skin types, especially for skin with an uneven complexion or light-induced pigmentation spots.
for elasticity and firming

suitable for all skin types, especially for skin that suffers from loss of elasticity and resilience and/or skin damaged by light
9,-€ per Mesoshot, different ampoules can also be combined.
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