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Spezial Treatments

Treatments without appliances, but with lasting results

Acne Treatment for impure skin for men, women and teenager

At what intervals?
Depending on the condition of the skin, it makes sense to treat regularly for between 2 and 4 weeks. As soon as the skin has improved, it is possible to extend the treatment interval to 6 to 8 weeks.

The right care at home is the be-all and end-all, as great progress can be made and maintained here too. In our studio, we work with the company Belico, which is vegan, free from harmful ingredients and a deep-acting cosmetic. We will be happy to advise you on care products and tips in the studio.
Cleansing, special peeling, removal of impurities, special active ingredient concentrate, soothing antibacterial mask, final treatment with customised products Duration: approx. 60 min

Prices:Adults:                 €79 - 99
Young people
(up to 18 years):            €59

Back treatment - Blemished Skin

Blemished skin on the back can be very stressful. This problem is particularly common when hormones are going crazy. 
Cleansing, fruit acid treatment, removal of sebaceous cysts, pustules and comedones, anti-inflammatory mask. You should avoid sun exposure on the day of the treatment and apply sun protection in the following days.

Adults:                                   €79-€99

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(up to 18 years)               €59

Classic Treatment

Even skin without major problems needs a freshness boost from time to time.
Especially after winter or after extensive sunbathing.
Our classic treatment is just the thing for this
Cleansing, peeling, active ingredient ampoule, mask, 10-minute massage, final treatment
Duration 45 min.


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